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Grille Tarifaire de la Villa Ansalane

2021 Price List

To know the price per day for your apartment.

Les Promos de la Résidence Macabou

Promos and Good Deals

If you stay with us for at least a week.

If there are many of you.

If you book well in advance, or at the last minute.

If you want to spend your vacation in 2 different places.

Calculer son tarif à la Villa Ansalane

Detailed Price Calculation

To calculate its price, of course.

Conditions de règlement de la Villa Ansalane

Terms of payment

When and how to pay?

What methods of payment are accepted?

Grille tarifaire Ansalane 20200105.png

2020 Price List

To know the price per day for your apartment.

Calendrier des Tarifs de la Villa Ansalane

Tariff Calendar

When is the best time to come to Villa Ansalane?

Illustration assurance annulation sans t

​Pour connaître le montant qui vous serait remboursé en cas d'annulation.
Pour découvrir nos formules d'assurance annulation.

Villa Ansalane is located in Les Trois Îlets

in the residential district of Passe-Mon-Temps,

500 meters from Anse-à-l'Âne beach,

halfway between Anses d'Arlet

and the famous Pointe du Bout.

Villa Ansalane


25 Allée des Alizés, Passe-mon-Temps Quarter

97229 Les Trois Îlets - Martinique

Vacation rentals in Martinique

Our GPS coordinates:

Latitude: 14 ° 30'34.71 "N (14.5094444)

Longitude: 60 ° 49'34.11 "W (-60.8261111)

A question ? Call +33 (0) 7 60 58 72 97 or click here to send a message

Copyright © 2020 Villa Ansalane

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